I was never a competitive mother – until I won. Ahem, I mean, my son won. The triumph came as a complete surprise – and so did my reaction. There I was, tootling along, perfectly sincere in my contention that, “I don’t care how he does at school, as long as he’s happy”. But then, my son’s name was called out, and everything changed. He had won first prize in the Easter Bonnet Parade. And I had morphed into a Tiger Mom.
Anatomy of a Tiger Mother

For the last week, I’ve been fizzing with ambition for my son’s future. Perhaps you find it strange that I wouldn’t have harboured such feelings before, but the truth is, he’s SIX! I’m absolutely sure he’s capable of great things, but he’s just mastering his handwriting right now. Occasionally I have a Tiger Woods moment, and kick myself for not having already thrown him into a sporting discipline that would pay for my retirement, but in general, I’m just happy he’s gone to school in clean pants. Which is more a victory for me than for him, to be fair.
A Tiger Will Always Out
It’s no surprise that the competitive mum in me has been unleashed, though. For, as all my family and friends will shudderingly confirm, I used to be a very competitive person. In everything. But I stick by my version that the only person I was really competitive with was myself – which explains why I am not in the least competitive about my children. I was so lost in wonder and happiness when expecting my first (he of Easter bonnet fame), that I didn’t even countenance getting involved in all the competitive pregnancy nonsense that I’ve observed. And when my baby came, I felt like I’d already won every competition. I had given birth to the most perfect baby in the universe.
When Tiger Mothers Go Cuddly
Once Easter is over, the bonnet lies crumpled in a corner denuded of its mini chocolate eggs,and the after-glow of triumph has faded, I’m sure my inner competitive mother will go back to its deep tiger-nap. But I don’t think it’s all bad that she was awoken. Delusions of Harvard are clearly bonkers, but I’ve realised that I could, and should, aspire to help my children reach that little bit further. I will generally be cuddly and playful, but show a ruthless streak when necessary. Not so much a Tiger Mother as a…Meerkat Mum?
Once Easter is over, the bonnet lies crumpled in a corner denuded of its mini chocolate eggs,and the after-glow of triumph has faded, I’m sure my inner competitive mother will go back to its deep tiger-nap. But I don’t think it’s all bad that she was awoken. Delusions of Harvard are clearly bonkers, but I’ve realised that I could, and should, aspire to help my children reach that little bit further. I will generally be cuddly and playful, but show a ruthless streak when necessary. Not so much a Tiger Mother as a…Meerkat Mum?
The Craft Bit
So, how did you make this masterpiece? I hear you cry. Well, I’ll tell you, but first let me say that the school sent home a very strong message of it being about the children’s creativity (basically telling all the tiger mums to get back in their cages). So…
Step 1: Decide on your concept
Over to my son. As mentioned, he is six. I said, “What shall we put on your bonnet?” He said, “Lego.” OK, then. As an afterthought he added, “And a prayer.” So we had our concept sorted.
Step 2: Buy everything in sight
I quite literally went to town. No shop was left unturned. Obviously, we have loads of Lego, but no other kind of kit at all. Not even a bonnet. I found one of those immediately in my opportune supermarket, for £1, which I was pretty chuffed with considering what happened next. I went craft crazy! I bought ribbons, tapestry thread, needles, mini chocolate eggs, fluffy chicks in all shapes and colours, and – for the first time ever, and I was thinking of Blue Peter all the way – some double-sided sticky tape! It’s a real thing! As a child, I thought it was only something they had on TV. I still kinda believed that, till I found it in WHSmith. There all along!
Step 3: Realise that nothing is sticky enough
I bought these ridiculous things called glue dots. Ideal, I thought, for affixing chocolate eggs and fluffy chicks to a hat – and mess-free to boot! I should have known it was too good to be true. Useless. And have you tried double-sided sticky tape? Trying to peel it off the backing is like trying to open a tampon in a hurry – maddeningly impossible. And it was nowhere near sticky enough anyway. So for the chicks and eggs, I went for PVA glue. Great globules of it, that dripped through the holes in the bonnet onto the (uncovered – I am a craft virgin after all) table. Worked fine for the eggs, but we went back a few minutes later to find the chicks in varying stages of keel, as though they’d been at a barrel of port in our absence. But by holding them patiently on, the little ones did eventually stay stuck. The big ones, no chance.
Step 4: Sew Lego base on to bonnet
Yep, the Lego base was no way going to stick with my paltry means, and although I had bought some superglue in my sticky-stuff spree, I didn’t want to wreck the base for future use. So, I sewed it on. Worked a treat.
Step 5: Assemble bonnet
This is where my son’s brilliance really came into play. He decided to put Cranky the crane on top, so he could hold a basket with an egg in it, for Easter. Driven by a curiously immobile bunny. And he wrote his prayer all by himself (with a bit of spelling help) in beautiful handwriting. We had to Sellotape the Lego bricks together, stick the egg in the basket with glue and disassemble the top for transit to school, but we’d done it!
Ta Da!
Step 6: Sit back and win
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this, but – we won! The teacher-judge said she had picked it because it was “so original”. It certainly is that. Now, I’m already thinking of how to top it next year. Not that I’m competitive or anything…
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This will so be me in years to come, fab post! xx
Ha ha, thank you!x
Rapturously real, funny, and original, this post has everything, I love it. Your sons are seriously fortunate little boys (even if you are looking to them for retirement funds, but hey, why not? Payback for all that stucky stuff and public pride).
Aw, thanks so much.
What a brilliant hat! Weird (in a good way) and ingenious! I’m also non-competitive but I think there is a bit of tiger mum in all of us lurking somewhere. I like the idea of a meercat mum though. Meercats are cuter and much more community-minded! V funny post!
Thanks Maddy!
Glue gun. You’ve got to get a glue gun. Love this post. I too release the competitive tiger at times. Although I have met full time tiger mothers and they are scary. Standing at the bottom of climbing walls and yelling instructions to their near paralyzed offspring. Scary.
Oh my goodness, those poor kids! I feel a little too amateur to use a glue gun, but I’ll give it a go…!
OH.MY.WORD – pure genius Jess! Not surprised you won 🙂
I can’t take the credit – all my boy!
hahahah I love this. Both Mr P and I are very very competitive. Both have been all our lives I fear for both of our kids when they start school or sports. I just hope I can contain the tiger momma and papa in both of us for their sakes. Love this post.
I know, it is hard to restrain once released! Thanks, Jenny.
Fantastic bonnet… although of course our little bear’s was better 🙂 I don’t do competitive me, it’s the taking part that matters… 😉
Yeah yeah 🙂
creative what can i say)) well done!
I am a tiger mum/mom. Though my mother is relax with these school thing I would want my son to do well in school and rake medals if he can but at the end of the day he is really just a chill kid so there goes my tiger mum dream =P #sharewithme
Yes, we definitely have to temper our tiger tendencies to our child’s temperament!
Lol this is fantastic! The bonnet is amazing, loving the little prayer and the crane on top! It’s amazing how a little competition can bring out the tiger mummy in us all! Thanks so much for linking with #creativechallenge! xx
My pleasure! Hopefully I’ll have more school projects to enter in your creative linky in future 😉 xx
This is so funny, aside from the fact that your bonnet is awesome and clearly deserved the accolades it received I think all moms are guilty of Tiger Momness at one point or another. And so be it. If you can’t be obsessively proud of your child’s accomplishments who will be? We live in Italy and I stay home with my son who I am raising to be bilingual. EVERY SINGLE OTHER MOM in this country wants their child to speak in English and when we’re in public and he responds to me in English they look at me with a look that says “I AM SO DAMN ENVIOUS!!”. Seriously, want to feel like a daily Tiger Mom, raise your kid in a non-English speaking country and enjoy the high daily.
The only problem is they also ask me to be their free baby sitter ALL the time so I can “teach” their children English. ANd deep down in my heart I know when he’s in highschool some pretty little thing will take advantage of him so she can pass her English exam and I too feel a bit of Meerkat sinking in.
Or perhaps it will be HIM who fails his English grammer quiz in a few years and then I’ll be a 100% Meerkat Mom, who knows. I guess the lesson learned is to show pride but never disappointment!
Thank you for linking this up to the #AllAboutYou linkup and I hope to have you again next week!
Angie from reasons to dress, life as a North American mom in Italy.
This is the most in-depth comment I’ve ever had – love it! Ha ha, love your passport to smugness with your son being bilingual. Show pride but never disappointment – love that.
Love this, I try so hard not to be competitive but I have to admit that school projects get me! The bonnet is fab, very original, I’m not surprised he won x #CreativeChallenge
Aw thank you! School projects are a challenge – I don’t like to do things by halves! x
Heehee 😉 We’re all secretly competitive! Small victories and smugness rocks 😉 Let’s drink to your awesome bonnet skills 🙂 lol x
Cheers to that!x
there’s no better feeling than winning hehehe!!
Popped over for #sharewithme, would love if you came and said hi back @ carsonsmummy.blogspot.co.uk xx
Thanks, I try to pretend it’s the taking part that matters! Have popped over to yours.x
What a completely bonkers bonnet (in a good way!!) – no wonder it won! #creativechallenge
Ha ha, thank you!
That looks so awesome, and you have every right to be proud and jumping with joy! Loved this post – I have a toddler, and no desire to be a competitive mom in the future, but let’s see how that goes. #CreativeChallenge
Thanks Tarana – thank you and yes, wait till they’re in school!
Oh check you out – I love the vision of you leaping into the air in triumph! Genius concept though – he is clearly meant for greatness (or a monastery ; ))
Thanks for linking to #AllAboutYou – would be super if you could please add our badge!
Thank you – was a little embarrassing though! x
I have a bad feeling this will be me over the coming years when Little A starts school (in September) ….. and that hat rocks – loving cranky! X
Thanks! It is hard to quell your inner tiger. x
Fab post! Love the pics, especially the meercats, hehe
Cute, huh?
Fantastic post for a fantastic bonnet! I am all non-competitive until L wins something and then I’m all about the “we win, we win” attitude….until the next time when she loses spectacularly and I go back to the “it’s the taking part that counts”. Enjoy your glory 🙂
Thanks! Totally agree with your attitude though – winning is great when you’re, er, winning!
Oh how I love this post! Thanks so much for linking up 🙂 My motto: there’s no point in entering any competition unless you’re aiming to take away the prize. Me? Tiger mum? Go you!!! X
Thanks Suzanne! x
Oh my god I love this post. It made me laugh so much. Congrats on your well deserved win xx
Thanks Andie!
That hat is fantastic! Love your tiger mum ways, long may they last! Thanks for sharing and linking up with #WotW x
Thanks, we had fun making it 😉 x
hahaha! Fab post! That hat is fantastic! You both deserved the win x
Thanks Kim!x
LOL what an excellent post!!! How fabulously creative is his bonnet!! Epic idea to add that crane, really sets it off! #PoCoLo
Cheers Debs – all down to my son!
Brilliant! This is such a great post. I try so hard not to be competitive Mum but occasionally it slips through! Great Easter bonnet too. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo 🙂 x
Thanks Victoria, and thanks for hosting x
I love this post, I am not competitive at all but there are mums in our school who are about everything! This bonnet is fab too well done on the win
Thanks Tracey.
Haha, my son would LOVE this bonnet with cranky the crane on it! I think as mums we all have a competitive mum streak in us waiting to be unleashed when the kids do well 🙂
Boys love a bit of heavy machinery!
Grace says – VERY creative!!!! xx
Lucas says – Nothing wrong with a bit of competition…………..
Thanks for linking up to #minicreations
Thanks Grace and Lucas 😉
WOW, you are amazing I am one of those mums that completely says “Oh it’s just for fun”… “yeh not bovvered” – and then when we win the fancy dress/easter bonnet whatever competition, I’m like “WOW…I’M CLEARLY THE BEST MUM IN THE WORLD.” Can’t help it. xxx
You are so the best mum in the world! X
It truly is a masterpiece! I love the Lego base concept, I think that should be integrated in more articles of clothing. Lego socks that you can build a shoe around?
Like your thinking!
Brilliant Bonnet! My son made a moshi monsters one which was totally bizarre for Easter and he won too at his school. xxx
Hilarious! Loved this post. And that song from Guns and Roses ‘Living on a Prayer’ couldn’t help but pop into my head when i read of your son’s choices (Lego and a Prayer)! Hey, you’ve got a new version of a rock song to boot! And this whole competitive mum thing – check out my The Good Enough Mums post for one of my posts on this – its a subject close/far from my heart, if you know what i mean. But has anyone never told you (in hushed whisper) “your kids are an extension of you”….(popping over from Suzanne’s Friday Favs)