“Messy play” – or “mucking around with his Weetabix”? While the basic tenets of parenting remain the same through the ages, the phrases I come out with sometimes make my mum look at me like I’m bonkers. But think about it, a lot of the labels we use these days are a teeny bit daft.
THEN: Baby “touched things”.
NOW: Baby does “sensory play.”
THEN: Baby “picked up some food”.
NOW: Baby does “baby-led weaning”.
THEN: Baby “went back to sleep”.
NOW: Baby “self-soothes”.
THEN: Baby “bent over”.
NOW: Baby “does baby yoga”.
THEN: Baby ”heard something.”
NOW: Baby “receives auditory stimulation”.
THEN: Baby “jumped on the sofa cushions”.
NOW: Baby “does soft play”.
THEN: Baby “picked up dangerously small stuff”.
NOW: Baby “practises fine motor skills”.
THEN: Baby “shook a rattle”.
NOW: Baby “does Monkey Music”.
THEN: Baby “used crayons”.
NOW: Baby “does mark-making.”
THEN: Baby “battered a toy into submission”.
NOW: Baby “problem solves”.
THEN: Baby “whacked something that was thrust in its face”.
NOW: Baby “exhibits hand-to-eye coordination”.
THEN: Baby “pushed a car along the floor saying brrm brrm”.
NOW: Baby “practises imaginative play”.
THEN: Baby “walked”.
NOW: Baby “mastered gross motor skills”.
THEN: Baby “was naughty”.
NOW: Baby “explores boundaries”.
THEN: Baby “was told off”.
NOW: Baby “gets descriptive praise”.
THEN: Baby “watched TV”*. * For the one hour a day that there were children’s programme in the Dark Ages, as my mum never fails to stress.
NOW: Baby “rescued mummy’s mental wellbeing via the medium of Peppa”.
I’m not saying who’s right or wrong – all I know is, 24-hour Nick Junior is progress – nay, a human right – and I’m all for it – call it what you will!
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Oh dear. I think I am your mother!
Ha ha! I don’t say many of these things but I have been guilty!
Brilliant Jess and so true!! I have a slightly similar post I have drafted – my boys do yoga at nursery you see! I can’t quite believe all the stuff they do these days 🙂
I know, it’s madness isn’t it!
Great post, and so true. My little boy did lacrosse at nursery the other week. What the hell? I’d have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that!
Ha ha HA! Lacrosse!
Hilarious! How times have changed 😉 x
Have been a Mum for five months and I’m not even too sure what some of those new terms are…
Disney junior is my saviour!
You’ll learn…!
Very clever…. how times have changed, I think I prefer it when it was simpler, and a little more to the point! X
Yes, exactly!x
Ha! So true and very funny! x
Thanks hon! x
Very true, Wry. I am an old-fashioned Mum I think. I like to think I am anyway. If my kids are ‘naughty’ they get ‘told off’ ha ha, in a proper Northern Manc Mum way as well. “Emilehhh! ‘Ow many times av I told yer to pack it in.’ – Like that. No exploring boundaries and descriptive praise in our house 🙂 Great post Jess x Oops, I mean WRY. x
Ha ha, this cracked me up! I don’t use (many) of these phrases either…x
This is just brilliant Jess! I wonder in another 20years what labels these milestones will be given?? I did ‘baby massage’ with my first – basically rubbing a bit of baby lotion onto a squealing wriggly baby. People can make money out of ANYTHING these days! Loved this post xx
Totally! Baby massage – another good one! x
Tee Hee! I really notice this with nursery – my youngest has just started and they tell me he does ‘water play’ (splashing in a washing up bowl I think) and ‘sensory bottle play’ (shaking things). Makes me laugh every time! Great post x
Ha ha – water play. Ridiculous! Thanks hon x
A brilliant post! I love every single one of these comparisons. The ‘yoga’ and ‘exploring boundaries’ ones made me laugh out loud! You must have spent hours (days?) compiling this great list. x Mel
Thanks Mel – actually I banged it out in 20 minutes but I guess I’ve been noticing it for my whole mummying life, so that’s 6 years! x
Gosh you’re good! I am even more impressed now.
I am so guilty of fobbing off mess as ‘messy play’ and bad behavior as ‘exploring boundaries’. Sounds so much better that way. Great post, Wry.
Cheers Earth!x
This made me laugh a lot. I tried to explain to my Mum about Baby Led Weaning and she looked at me like I’d lost the plot and said “but, you know that they actually need to get some food in their mouths at some point?” I couldn’t quite make her understand why I’d accept all that mess when I didn’t have to. She was bloody right too.. A life spend cleaning the floor.. Pffttt!
Oh that damn floor! Floor wipes are my saviour!
So funny and true! Love a bit of parenting ‘spin’. #sharewithme
Thanks! Spinning is how we keep it together!
Love this!!!! ‘Sensory play’ is the one that gets me, urgh its so pretentious haha!!!
I know, right?!
Great post! Love the observations here, made me howl!
Hehe, thanks Zena!
This is brilliant. And once they’re in school they do “independent learning.” Which is basically just playtime with a few suggestions thrown in for good measure 😉
So funny how they dress things up!
It’s a license to print money! Put the word baby in front of anything and it becomes the next big thing… Like when you’re getting married 😉 #sharewithme
As always Jess you have me laughing so hard. I love your post. And this could not be more true!!! I love it. Congrats again on the shortlist for Laugh you definitely deserve it. Thank you for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme
Loved reading this. I was literally having thew same conversation with my mother-in-law who had attended a baby led class with her granddaughter and great-granddaughter. She was really giggling to herself over some of these descriptions. Great post #sharewithme
Lucas says – But we have a few for you Mother’s also…………
THEN: Mother’s ironing day = Mother’s day for watching Jeremy Kyle
THEN: Mother’s coffee morning = Mother’s morning for gossip about the neighbour next door and discussing her latest relationship
I have shown these to the Mother though and she loves them. So awesome job on making the Mother happy – gives me a break!!!! #sharewithme
Lol, very funny, and so true! thank goodness for Peppa Pig eh? xx #sharewithme
I have a friend who has two older children and a new baby. I did the baby thing with her first time round but now she’s going to ‘baby sensory’ I find it laughable! “We never had that in our day, did we?” I hear myself cry – what a fossil!
That made me smile 🙂 Thanks for cheering up a rainy Friday morning. #PoCoLo
Aw thanks – that’s my raison d’etre!
Brilliant! Love the ‘auditory stimulation.’ Us mums today sound like idiots don’t we. Our own parents must be looking at us thinking that we think we invented the wheel ;0) Really funny post #PoCoLo
Funny. We just want to call them names that makes it harder to say =) #pocolo
Ha ha! So right. Who came up with this new fangled phrasing?! Let’s go back to basics!
This is all so absolutely and BRILLIANTLY true!! A great list – it has all gone a bit mad, hasn’t it?! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo 🙂 x
Ha, ‘picked up dangerously small stuff’ made me laugh. Such a funny post! No wonder my mum looks at me funny all the time 🙂 #thelist
Tin Box Traveller recently posted…Review: maternity shoot with Lee Orchard Photography
Excellent! This made me smile!
Megan – truly madly kids recently posted…Image of the Week #10 – Composition
Haha, great post, love it. Descriptive praise and explores boundaries were a personal favourite.
The DADventurer (Dave) recently posted…The Story Of Meeting The Missus 9 Years Ago Today
Ha ha! So true. I’ve been thinking about this lately myself and wrote a post on mum skills from the 70’s. There are definitely things we can chillax about a little these days if we take a nod to the past. Things have become so technical and serious putting extra unnecessary pressure on modern mums x
Lucy@bottlefor2 recently posted…The Big 5: Life Lessons to pass on to your kids
Chillax – love that word! Another one our mums would have rolled their eyes at, bless their flared trews! x
Great post!!! I still call it messing about with weetabix 😉
Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx
Hannah Mums’ Days recently posted…Ox Pasture Hall Hotel
Me too Hannah. Thanks for hosting #TheList – I’ll definitely be back to join in again. x
HA brill. I’ll take the Then over the Now any day. Reckon professionals and other people have us all overthinking things too often.