Fare Thee Well, Freddo – Till Easter At Least


Lent is about giving up something important. If you cut me in half you’d see that I am 97% chocolate, so chocolate is what I normally give up. 

But it makes me miserable. And it makes me fat. Without my little chocolate treats, I end up substituting with things I never normally eat – cake, shortbread rounds, doorstop bread and jam, scones, puddings, tarts… 

 So, I’ve taken the slightly cop-out route of giving up MILK chocolate for Lent. No casual Mini Eggs for moi. No stolen-from-the-kids chocolate buttons. In other words, I have kissed Freddo farewell for these forty days.

To be honest, we’ve been through some rocky times of late – when he went all “popping candy” on me at Halloween, and then, almost unforgivably, when he blocked my washing machine filter with his empty wrapper. And now, what do I see when I go innocently into the supermarket? A Freddo “Sprinkles”. Sprinkles! I loved you how you were Freddo! And what have these “sprinkles” to do with Easter? The brilliant Katie at Hurrah For Gin wrote a hilarious post about the lame attempts by manufacturers to jump on the Halloween bandwagon with novelty repackaging, and this new outrage should surely feature in an Easter edition. Pasting bunny ears on a Freddo, cute as they are, is just lame. And, frankly, degrading. 

Maybe the break will do us both good. 

Freddo Sprinkles
Turning To The Dark Side


 After dark, I have long switched my chocolate allegiance to the dark side. Green & Black’s 70% has been top of my shopping list for years, and now, I am ramping it up. I’m going hard core. I’m talking 85%. It is a serenade in the mouth, but is not – quite – as more-ish. It is deliciously satiating, so you really do need less. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself…

But I still love you, little frog, sprinkles and all:

A Fanfare for Freddo
As everyone bickers,
Not for me plain old Snickers,
Your Crunchies, your Twixes, 
Your vile Pick’n’Mixes, 
Your Buttons, Flake, Mars,
your Fruit’n’Nut bars,
your Topics, Maltesers,
your Dimes or your Reese’s,
There’s only one guy that makes my heart go,
He’s small but he’s girthsome, he’s the good frog Freddo.


Related posts: 



 Freddo and I – The Story So Far…
Freddo popping candy
Freddo End of the Affair


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