I had to snort when I opened the book bag. We’d been asked to send back a holiday record of achievement – a new skill that in his brief sojourn from the school walls, my child had managed to pick up. Or, in other words, a badge of parenting honour.
The quaint phrase ‘A Moment from Home’ was what tickled me the most. As I read it (on the day before they were due back to school), many moments flashed through my mind unbidden. But were any of them teacher-friendly?
Naked trampolining
Only when you’ve bounced right out of your pants can you truly enjoy the spirit of the trampoline. “The neighbours don’t want to see your bottom!” “You said bottom!” Cue hysterical giggling.
Lego Ninjago marathon-ing
They managed to watch Lego Ninjago Series 1 and 2. Twice. In my defence, this was between many outdoor and generally improving activities. And I think the poor little dears need a bit of downtime just as much as their mummy, especially my middlie after his first half term at school.
Never have I seen the boys run so fast as when they were competing to be the first to tell on the other. Since my middle child started reception in September, he is starting to give as good as he gets from his big brother. Which is an important move towards independence, but very wearing for the permanent referee.
Table decorating
If there’s a non-washable pen in the house, a child will find it. Then create a beautiful pattern of Cheerios on top of the table’s new design, to divert mother’s attention from it.
Every moment is a memory
My four-year old may not have learnt to ride a horse, pedal a bike or ski in his half-term holiday. But he did loads of other awesome stuff. And I’m proud of him.
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Big Lego robots vs mini Lego Ninjas – before the baby smashed it. |
He he very funny. As long you had fun thats all that matters. And as the rule goes the more mess the merrier 🙂
Thanks Tom! We had fun most of the time…Hope you had a great half-term.
I spent nearly all day yesterday sorting out the horror that is the post-half term house ha. V funny post Jess x
Thanks Ali! I am finding toys in the weirdest places. I fear some will never come to light again! x
This post is genius!!! I love it so much. It just so happens that I had one of those forms to fill in too and I spent ages wracking my brain for something to write – so I wrote about the way Little A chased and heranged Grandma’s cats! Love the lego robots!
Ah, can just imagine the tail-grabbing japes! Those sheets are a cute idea but make me feel a bit inadequate! x
He sounds ace bab! And hell I like the sound of naked trampolining. But my neighbours may go blind at my bits bouncing around! x
Ha ha! My boys are always trying to yank my jeans down and it ain’t never going to happen!x
Ha ha, naked trampolining! Beanie also had a ‘Magic Moments’ sheet in her bag, but I didn’t even see it. We didn’t even open the book bag, oh well! We’ll find something magical to write about tonight. Our house looked like your 1st photo for the whole week; it took us ages to find a place for all our junk on Friday!
Brill, as always Jess! Our half term consisted of a lot of TV and sweets. I was determined that we were resting up for a day or two. Your house sounds very much like ours last week!
I used to hate it when the girls bought this kind of stuff back from school… most of the time I’d struggle to come up with something that was teacher-friendly! Fabulous post hun… we’ve all been there!
Ha ha ha no pressure on mum then! I hate that kind of crap that the school sends out, even worse the blinking school teddy or sheep or whatever ridiculous cuddly that is supposed to do weird and wonderful things in the 2 days that is called The Weekend. Love the bit about your kids racing to tell on the other one first – I remember those days well!
Ha ha love it, sounds like a great half term! Hope you too them about the naked trampolining, definitely a good skill 🙂 xx #brilliantblogposts
Fantastic – this sounds like half-term in our madhouse! Brilliant fun, a great read!
You know I think the naked trampolining could catch on! Great post, I have all this to come x #BrillBlogPosts
Brilliant! These skills sound much more impressive than any skiing holiday or (otherwise extreme half-term adventure) could provide. In my house we’ve done ‘naked, kitchen table circuit training’ (them not me!) and the baby (who has discovered the cupboard under the bathroom sink) has been practising ‘decorating with sanitary products’. Sigh.
Ha! I’m going to have try the naked trampolining! And can I admit, Lego Ninjago is actually quite good… x
What a load of crap from the school! Sounds like your boys had a pretty standard half-term – telly and fighting, isn’t that what it’s all about?!
Awww the tower smashing is a normal scene in our living room too =P #pocolo
Naked trampolining is brilliant. My fave by far of his half term talents. My goodness what do they want school out of school. It should be lounging and movie watching over and over. Thats what we always did. I remember. lol hahaha Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me it was lovely to see you at Mumsnet too wish I didn’t have to leave early and could have spent more time together. #sharewithme
Perfect half term to me, I now want to naked trampoline, my neighbours won’t mind will they? They already think we’re nuts here! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts
Don’t know whats wrong with me tonight but this brought tears to my eyes too! It sounds like a perfect half term to me and i love the cheerio art – inspired 🙂 xxx
Oh it makes me laugh too what the schools seem to expect – we’ve got these ‘proud clouds’ and I really wracked my brain for something to write in one that didn’t involve impressive mirror writing (I don’t think he knew he was doing it) or sitting still during a haircut. Then the husband reminded me that he had run 10 5k Park Runs… Thanks for linking #thetruthabout & Happy New Year! X
And so you should be proud, Jess. If you can wind up your brother and survive the inevitable moment of reckoning, you’ll go far in life. And the naked trampolining is uncomfortably close (okay, identical) to what happens in our household. Boys!