To my children
Other mums are never late
Last mum standing at the school gate.
Other mums bake lovely cakes,
Their icing doesn’t run all over the plate.
Other mums on rainy days
Have fun lined up, go to a soft play.
Other mums never forget
Your sippy cup, book bag, a promise not met.
Other mums never break down,
Cry in front of you or even frown.
Other mums are playdate queens
There’s no one to whose house you’ve not been.
Other mums baby massage
You every night straight after your bath.
Other mums are calm first thing
Get ready for the day without shouting.
Other mums are super cooks,
Make healthy meals without a book.
Other mums know the next step
Research it, plan it, have it all in their heads.
Other mums don’t dry each grape
One by one ‘cos you like them that way.
Other mums steer clear of mud
Don’t let you sit in puddles you’ve jumped.
Other mums don’t catch your hand
When you stumble or struggle to understand.
Other mums don’t recognise
The grace of your body, the glory of your mind.
Other mums do things perfectly,
But no other mum loves you like me.
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I really related to the first half hon, and love the beautiful words in the second half. I was thinking just the other day about how I’ve never taken my youngest to a playgroup and how I avoid play dates like the plague.. Unless they’re with our real friends (ie. My friends with kids the same age). No one can do it all lovely, and if someone appears to be it’s more than likely all a façade xxx
Renee @ Mummy Tries recently posted…Thankful for my friends on International Women’s Day
Thanks Renee – I’m the same, I meet up with friends and if they have kids similar age, even better! Luckily my youngest gets on brilliantly with his big brothers. xx
Aw…. so lovely! And so right, no other mum will love them like you xxx
Kiran recently posted…Whipsnade Zoo and Making the Most of Family Time
Thanks Kiran! xxx
I love that its adorable and so true, fab!
Thanks so much Eimear!
Fabulous poem hun, I think it sums up the meaning of what it is to be a mum perfectly. Here’s to being different and making it through every day with the kids no matter how you get there!
Izzie Anderton recently posted…A Letter to my Sixteen-Year-Old Self
Lush poem!
I don’t bake cakes either. I made a batch of cookies for a baby shower and they were so burnt that I went to Tesco’s to buy some and passed them off as my own.
And my kids won’t eat anything healthy at all. If it isn’t beige and wrapped in breadcrumbs then it isn’t going down the hatch!
Oh but boy do they love me! We’re awesome!xxx
Aww, I love this! Never met a mum yet who thought she was doing everything right and yet its always good enough for our kids 🙂
Kate Williams recently posted…Upcycling Activities For Kids: Tuesday Tutorials
Thanks Kate. I hope I pass the bar for my babies at least 😉
Love this. I’m not sure there’s any mum out there who is REALLY the mum we all envy though – even immaculate, playdate-supremo, baking-genius mum is probably just muddling through as much as the rest of us! And you’re so right, we’re the best mums for our kids. xx
Maddy@writingbubble recently posted…what I’m writing – week twenty-five
Love this! #brilliantblogposts Perfect for Mother’s Day xx
Baby Isabella recently posted…Festival Place Bloggers Meet-up
Totally relate and a beautiful way of putting it #brilliantblogposts
Beautiful, Jess! It’s so true! Love the pic – Bedruthan?!
Megan – truly madly kids recently posted…Mother’s Day – Your Go-To Guide
All smoke and mirrors…no mum is truly like that! Love the sentiment though, esecpially the one expressed in the last sentence. #BrilliantBlogPosts
JOhn Adams recently posted…My 21 point list for domestic bliss, Part II
Really lovely! #brilliantblogposts
Jess Helicopter recently posted…Tips to Survive Your First Blog Event featuring Blog On Cymru
Ah – love love love this ! Fantastic post x #brilliantblogposts
Mummy Fever recently posted…Generation Go, Go, Go
Beautiful poem. There are so many lines which I agreed with. I see other mums as these perfect superhuman Stepford wives and myself a completely mess. No one is perfect but at least the children think we are.
gemma stevens recently posted…Through my child’s eyes #3 // A children’s photography link up
Love this, none of us are perfect mothers, but we are the perfect mother for our child 🙂 #prose4t
Sara (@mumturnedmom) recently posted…Rewind: how tiny they were
Gorgeous photo and beautiful words-I recognise so much of the first half. And yes, no one else will love them quite like we do.
Iona@redpeffer recently posted…Running to a standstill-flash fiction
Wonderfully done! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Erin @ Nourishing My Scholar recently posted…What Homeschool Looks Like
Thanks so much, Erin! 🙂
Brilliant. This just sums it up for me. I will never be the perfect mum but I am the best mum I can be and I love my boys. Really great. xx
Morgan Prince recently posted…My Mum
Other mums! We definitely learn from other mums but you are right one of the greatest joys of becoming a mum is to love too much and be the kind of mum you want to be. #brilliantblogposts
I absolutely love love this poem so full of truth for me. You write so amazingly darling. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
Jenny recently posted…A walk in the rain + Hamster buggy bag giveaway
This is gorgeous and so very true. Glad I had the chance to read it.
What a lovely and well written post this is.
Joy recently posted…Cost of A Child
Thank you, Joy, that is really kind of you.
Oh hun you’ve gone and brought tears to my eyes, related to this, mwah x
HonestMum recently posted…Daily Happy-Makers
Thanks sweetie! x